Connect Kubernetes with Visual Code usingCloud Code

Developing for the cloud is about to take a large leap with Google’s launch of Cloud Code; an IDE plugin designed to allow developers seamlessly add Kubernetes to their development workflows.

Not restricting you to their own platforms, the plugin allows to integrate with any Kubernetes cluster, from GKE, AKE, to a local Minikube instance.

With this article I will guide you through using Cloud Code as part of your own development flows. The IDE used will be Microsoft’s Visual Code

Installing Cloud Code

Cloud Code is installed as a plugin for Visual Code. There are a couple of prerequisites that need to be installed prior to using the plugin, namely tooling for Kubernetes.

Install the following:

  • Kubectl

Easily installable by clicking the Extensions Marketplace icon in the IDE menu, and then searching for Cloud Code.

  1. Lauch Visual Code
  2. Click the Extensions Marketplace icon
  3. In the search field, enter “Cloud Code”
  4. Install Cloud Code from Google Cloud