Your data is important and it needs to be protected. Keeping a regular backup schedule means you will need to automate the process. In order to do so, you are likely running a script to dump the database, leaving your credentials vulnerable to be being exposed. Limit your exposure by using a read-only account to perform your backups
Rather than using an admin account or one with write permissions, your data is exposed to being changed.Providing a read-only user to perform your database backups limits your exposure to being attacked.
Creating the Read-Only Account
- Log into MySQL with an administrator account
- Create a new user with LOCK TABLES and SELECT permissions for the database you want to be protected.
- To apply our new permissions you will need to flush the old ones.
Automating Backup Script
The following is a simple script to dump a database to the local filesystem. It will retain a history of the 10 most recent backups. Anything older will be purged, to keep storage requirements down.
#!/bin/bash # Set the backup date BACKUP_DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d` BACKUP_DIR=/var/mysql_backups BACKUP_HISTORY=10 # Dump the database mysqldump -u BACKUP_USER -p'PASSWORD' DATABASE_NAME > $BACKUP_DIR/dump_$DATE.sql # Remove all but the latest backups cd $BACKUP_DIR ls -t | tail -n +$BACKUP_HISTORY | xargs rm --
Ensure that the backup file can only be read, written and executed by an administrator or backup owner. For example, only permit root access to the file.
chcon 0600
Scheduling the Automated Backup Job
Automating your backup jobs using a script is as simple as creating a cron job. The frequency you run the backup job depends on how often your data changes. For this example, we will perform a daily backup at 4:00 AM.
- Become Root
sudo -s
- Open crontab
crontab -e
- Add the following line
0 4 * * * /root/
- Save the changes and exit the editor